HM - Hyphen Magazine
HM stands for Hyphen Magazine
Here you will find, what does HM stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hyphen Magazine? Hyphen Magazine can be abbreviated as HM What does HM stand for? HM stands for Hyphen Magazine. What does Hyphen Magazine mean?Hyphen Magazine is an expansion of HM
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Alternative definitions of HM
- Hazardous Materials
- Her Majesty's
- Her Majesty's
- Heard and McDonald Islands
- Honorable Mention
- Harvest Moon
- Hair Multiplication
- Hard Music
View 206 other definitions of HM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HSF Hypoglycemia Support Foundation
- HSOS HysterSisters Online Support
- H l'arche Hamilton
- HQ National Kidney Foundation
- HI Inc. St. Germaine Cousin Educational Foundation
- HDFC St. John's Place Family Center
- HAP The Hague Appeal for Peace Campaign
- HHR 09 Helsinki Human Rights
- HELCOM Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission
- HEPA European Network on Health-Enhancing Physical Activity
- HBFT Haberdashers' Benevolent Foundation, The
- HCFT Haberdashers' Christian Foundation, The
- HEFT Haberdashers' Educational Foundation, The
- HHAU Habinteg Housing Association Ulster
- HFHGB Habitat For Humanity Great Britain
- HHI Habitat for Humanity Ireland
- HCABS Hackney Citizens Advice Bureau Service
- HCTL Hackney Community Transport Limited
- HEL Hackney Empire Ltd
- HMRAUK Hadassah Medical Relief Association, UK